crazy monkey

Sometimes I wish I could be a monkey. Hang out in trees all day swinging and eating bananas. Sometimes I don't wish that at all.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


I got to experience one of the most amazing aspects of the human experience this morning...the miracle of life. It is so unreal that any of us are even here with all of our parts put together in the right place. I got to see my dear friend Kristin bring into this world an adorable little soul in the form of a baby boy. Through the laughter, tears, excrutiating pains and with the help of a host of people Kristin and Jason are now proud parents and I am once again in amazement of how God made us and a woman's ability to grow a child in her belly.

Wow! Loved every sleepless moment of it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is another reason that I am proud of my daughter-in-law. You have such an awesome way of communicating vividly. How blessed Kristen was to have you, and how much I enjoyed reading your thoughts.

7:56 AM  

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