crazy monkey

Sometimes I wish I could be a monkey. Hang out in trees all day swinging and eating bananas. Sometimes I don't wish that at all.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I got...

this job sort-of volunteer sort-of thing.

It's a really good thing.

I'm going to Africa!! Unreal, so amazing, can't wait. It's not till 2008 but I am so very, very, very excited!


Sunday, November 05, 2006


Oh, Halloween. Fun times. We took our little "pumpkin" to a few places and ate most of her candy. Hee/hee. I think every year the price of us going with her is 1/2 of her candy. Seems only fair.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

So this is what people do

I went out last night. Went to Clint's poetry book party(Clint go published, fun!). He was to be up on stage reading his beautiful work at 8:30. I got a friend to watch Bri. I showed up at 8:15. I was to be home to release said friend to go home and sleep at 9:30. I waited. I listened to people read. I listened to some girl tell stupid stories about her past week, not in poetry form. She uses the open mic poetry as a sort of therapy session, ugh! I waited. I did the thing I shouldn't do and called said friend to get a little extra time so I could hear Clint read. Said friend, said "yes". Great, or really should have been great but...people just kept going on and on and on and on. It didn't stop. I had to go home. I didn't get to hear Clint read.

This is what people do, who do not have children, or do have children and live with their Mom; they stay up late into the night taking their sweet ol' time reading poetry or telling ridiculous stories without a care in the world of when they get home. I have decided these people suck. They no longer are welcome in my world. You know, the world where I have a child and kind people watch her for me and I need to get home so those kind people can go to their home, or out, or somewhere other than my home with my child.