crazy monkey

Sometimes I wish I could be a monkey. Hang out in trees all day swinging and eating bananas. Sometimes I don't wish that at all.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Oh, Halloween. Fun times. We took our little "pumpkin" to a few places and ate most of her candy. Hee/hee. I think every year the price of us going with her is 1/2 of her candy. Seems only fair.


Blogger just a guy said...

My thinking--I believe we can fannagle a bit more of the candy (like upwards 98% of it) until she's old enough to recognize the scam we're pulling, which follows:
1. take cute kid in pumpkin outfit up to door and show her off. Parents smile proudly
2. aforementioned 'showing off' immeditatly wins heart of home owner who gives out a lot of candy to baby('s parents, 'cause baby is too young)
3. take candy and put it in daddy's hoodie pocket.
4. To satisfy cute kid, mete her out one piece of wrapped candy (that she can't open or swallow whole--safety first at Halloween!)
5. keep said candy out of reach/mind of cute kid.
6. repeat, ad nauseum.

11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commence Locks Family Candy Levy!!!

7:33 AM  

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