So this is what people do
I went out last night. Went to Clint's poetry book party(Clint go published, fun!). He was to be up on stage reading his beautiful work at 8:30. I got a friend to watch Bri. I showed up at 8:15. I was to be home to release said friend to go home and sleep at 9:30. I waited. I listened to people read. I listened to some girl tell stupid stories about her past week, not in poetry form. She uses the open mic poetry as a sort of therapy session, ugh! I waited. I did the thing I shouldn't do and called said friend to get a little extra time so I could hear Clint read. Said friend, said "yes". Great, or really should have been great but...people just kept going on and on and on and on. It didn't stop. I had to go home. I didn't get to hear Clint read.
This is what people do, who do not have children, or do have children and live with their Mom; they stay up late into the night taking their sweet ol' time reading poetry or telling ridiculous stories without a care in the world of when they get home. I have decided these people suck. They no longer are welcome in my world. You know, the world where I have a child and kind people watch her for me and I need to get home so those kind people can go to their home, or out, or somewhere other than my home with my child.
This is quite funny...and sad...and realistic. I can't believe that crazy storytime chick ruined what narrow and infrequent window I had to woo you with my poetry! Darn her to heck!
This tells me that my son married a precious wife who has a big heart for her family. I am so thankful for you and how you and Clint are bringing that precious baby up to treasure family and friends. Love you
Know the feeling....been there, done that. Too many times. People just don't respect others anymore. It's really sad. I can hardly remember a time when Jayna or Jillian weren't in our lives, and now that we have them, we EXPECT others to respect us. We demand respect for #1, we have little children who are very observant to others around them and pick up on the slightest things, and #2, it's just good manners to respect those who have children...and other lives other than what they see in their own eyes. I could rant...but I'll save it. hee hee...
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