crazy monkey

Sometimes I wish I could be a monkey. Hang out in trees all day swinging and eating bananas. Sometimes I don't wish that at all.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Bri likes little babies...

Really she likes their faces. Specifically their eyes. She likes to grab at them and poke them. I think she wants to play with them, like they're marbles. All babies beware of Brianna, the eye poker. We should get a sign and put it by the front door. Make t-shirts, she could be famous. Or maybe she'll just grow bored with little eyeballs.


Blogger just a guy said...

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3:58 PM  
Blogger just a guy said...

I do hope that her boredom ensues before I am held liable for our daughter's poking antics, resulting in ocular damage to a friend's (or stranger's) child.

Rabbit Trail # 34,197:
That thought conjures an image that reminds me of the movie The Corpse Bride. (Amazing, by the way! Anyone who's not seen it--check it out, and don't skip the DVD extras). But you need a semi-strong stomach to fully appreciate it. Elements such as the 'head waiter' and the talking black widow spider...yeah, just be ready. Think 'Next door Neighbor To The Nightmare Before Christmas'.

4:01 PM  

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